Sunday, July 01, 2007

Salty Pies

Yes, I have a "day job" and one of the owners of this company is French. I've always loved French, in fact I took French in college but truly sucked at it, because I always wanted to answer in Japanese (the first language I learned). Anyway, I was speaking to Val, the French lady, and she told me she absolutely adores "salty pies" - or to the rest of us, the quiche. We looked up quiche recipes (in French) together and I realized the quiche recipes didn't use eggs, which is what I thought a quiche was. A little puzzled, and a lot intrigued by these eggless salty pies, I decided to search for a recipe that sounded good to me. I didn't search long because I found a fabulous recipe (again) in that French cookbook I purchased. This recipe is called "Tartelette Au Saumon Fume, Poireaux, Et Citron" and translates to Smoked Salmon, Leek and Lemon Tartlettes. The recipe is actually for 6 mini tarts but I decided to go big (ummm, I didn't have the tartlette pans). I've made it a couple of times but today, I created one especially for hilariously fun co-worker who can't eat much, but loves these salty pies (she grew up in France too).

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