Thursday, June 22, 2006

Golden Bird

I am in love with Golden Bird. She's meaty, tan and packed full of goodness.

During a lengthy conversation about the best fried chicken eateries in Los Angeles, one of my co-workers recommended Golden Bird. Very golden indeed. Like winning the golden ticket in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Okay, well not that golden but still a bit of a hidden treasure. I haven't found the exact address yet and the best directions I can give is to head east on Pico (pass La Brea) and it's tucked away in the Ralph's/Osh shopping center on the south side of the street. Not knowing it was there, I had stopped at Ralph's to pick up a few snacks to serve to our friends coming over to watch the Heat/Mavericks game...and there it was in all of its golden glory! Change of plans. So instead of the boring chips and salsa I was planning to purchase, I delivered fried chicken, collard greens, biscuits and potato salad. It was impressive. It was enjoyed with enthusiasm. It was really quite phenomenal. I found a golden ticket.

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